Scalelr is Here to Transform the Startup Sector
Scalelr is being developed as a leading global startup platform helping millions of startup founders across all geographies. Our estimated platform size in 5 years is:
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Startup founders and changemakers
Ecosystem partners, & consultants
Angels, investors & VCs
Deal volume through platform
What Makes Scalelr Different?
Scalelr has researched the startup landscape and created a solution that meets three most important needs of the startup industry.
Simple & Intuitive Interface
Scalelr has been designed by entrepreneurs and experts in the startup sector and the platform design, look, and feel are based on what startups, ecosystems, and investors are looking for.
Everyone in the Startup Sector Needs Scalelr!
Scalelr is a platform for everyone in the startup sector: from startups, to investors, ecosystems, and startup service providers. Let’s find out how you can benefit from Scalelr.
Scalelr for Startups
Scalelr for Ecosystems
Scalelr for Investors
Scalelr for Service Providers

Investor Relations
Scalelr is an early stage impact-tech startup based in Stockholm, Sweden
The startup is backed by a strong and experienced team of entrepreneurs, marketers, project managers, and developers from several parts of the world. The platform prototype is under development and is planned to be released in Spring 2021.
Scalelr is looking for seed investors who want to invest in the future of the startup and venture capital industry. We are looking for USD 1.0M in seed investment to accelerate product development and launch globally.
Our target investor profile is:
Passion to mentor a highly experienced team.
Build Scalelr as a key venture long term venture in their portfolio
Contacts in local Swedish startup ecosystems
Extensive contacts in startups and VC space in the US
International expansion experience
If you meet a good part of the above criteria, you are welcome to apply as a potential investor in Scalelr.
All investor applications are reviewed by at least two members of the Scalelr founding team.
Thinking of launching a startup? Here are a few tips!
Startups are the future. Whether you are stuck in a 9am to 5pm day job or a 9pm to 5am insomnia train, it’s the best time to start building your own venture. The future of work is “you” in control of your own destiny. And this is even more so during the pandemic: people are re-assessing their priorities, business landscape is changing, and new technologies and work-methods are emerging. Now is the time to start! Here are a few tips.
Meet Our Team!
Scalelr is a team of entrepreneurs, startup sector experts, branding professionals and experienced developers from all over the world!

Get in Touch!
Do you want to become a part of the Scalelr journey as an Investor, Partner, or Collaborator? Do you have an idea you would like to discuss with our founders? Get in touch here!
Scalelr is a startup based in Växjö, Sweden.
Send us an email :
Or write to us at :
C/O Gautam Billore
Furutåvägen 10 A Lgh 1101
352 54 Växjö