Our Services
Startup service providers want a thriving startup scene. They want to showcase their products, services, and experiences to startups and founders in order to help them in their growth journey. They realize that startups may not have all the money to pay as a client and see startup clients as potential game-changing investments. In an ideal world, they would want to hand-pick startups they believe in and help them grow, because a startup’s growth ensures their own growth.
However, in reality, they struggle to locate the right startups. On the other hand, most startups do not have enough industry contacts to locate the right service providers. Moreover, different startups may have very different requirements in terms of services and usually this information is not readily available.
This. Has. Got. To. Change. And that’s why we have Scalelr - the Tinder for startups. Scalelr knows that service providers need to reach out to startups. At the same time, startups must be able to locate the right service providers.
Scalelr understands that service providers need a tool where they can clearly present what they can offer to them in their growth journey.
Are you a startup service provider? Scalelr app is releasing soon. Apply now to potentially be selected as a Scalelr Gamechanger!
Meet Our Team!
Scalelr is a team of entrepreneurs, startup sector experts, branding professionals and experienced developers from all over the world!

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